In This article we will see how to send an email notification with HTML formatting. We will see how to create and send following table type structure in an email body.
#----------------------------------------START OF THE SCRIPT--------------------------------------
$ cat
#--Below code will be used to generate the HTML code
echo "<html>" > ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<head></head>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<body>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<STYLE TYPE="text/css">" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<!--" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "TD{font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt;}" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "--->" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "</STYLE>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below echo is used to create a HTML table
echo "<TABLE border="2" frame="border" rules="all">" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below echo is used to create table header.
echo "<tr><th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMP_ID</font></th>
<th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMP_NAME</font></th>
<th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMAP_DEPT</font></th>
<th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMP_SAL</font></th></tr>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below echo is used to generate the data in tabular format.
echo "<tr><td>1001</td><td>A1</td><td>HR</td><td>50000</td></tr> <tr><td>1002</td><td>A2</td><td>MAN</td><td>60000</td></tr>
<tr><td>1003</td><td>A3</td><td>VP</td><td>100000</td></tr> <tr><td>1003</td><td>A3</td><td>CEO</td><td>150000</td></tr>"
echo "</table>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "</body>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "</html>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below code will be used to send email notification
echo "Subject: Employees Report"
echo "To: ${V_MAIL_TO}"
echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
echo "Content-Type: text/html"
echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
echo ${V_CONTENT}
) | /usr/sbin/sendmail ${V_MAIL_TO}
Keep Reading, Keep Learning, Keep Sharing..!!!
$ cat
#--Below code will be used to generate the HTML code
echo "<html>" > ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<head></head>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<body>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<STYLE TYPE="text/css">" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "<!--" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "TD{font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt;}" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "--->" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "</STYLE>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below echo is used to create a HTML table
echo "<TABLE border="2" frame="border" rules="all">" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below echo is used to create table header.
echo "<tr><th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMP_ID</font></th>
<th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMP_NAME</font></th>
<th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMAP_DEPT</font></th>
<th bgcolor=#BDBDBD><font size="2">EMP_SAL</font></th></tr>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below echo is used to generate the data in tabular format.
echo "<tr><td>1001</td><td>A1</td><td>HR</td><td>50000</td></tr> <tr><td>1002</td><td>A2</td><td>MAN</td><td>60000</td></tr>
<tr><td>1003</td><td>A3</td><td>VP</td><td>100000</td></tr> <tr><td>1003</td><td>A3</td><td>CEO</td><td>150000</td></tr>"
echo "</table>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "</body>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
echo "</html>" >> ${V_EMAIL_BODY}
#--Below code will be used to send email notification
echo "Subject: Employees Report"
echo "To: ${V_MAIL_TO}"
echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
echo "Content-Type: text/html"
echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
echo ${V_CONTENT}
) | /usr/sbin/sendmail ${V_MAIL_TO}
#-------------------------------------------END OF THE SCRIPT---------------------------------------
Output: Above Script will send the email to the user with the tabular format. We can use such emails in notifying details with more clarification and readability.
Keep Reading, Keep Learning, Keep Sharing..!!!